

Report on the British West Indies and British Guiana Court at the Empire Exhibition

Scotland, 1938

Report of the West Indian & Atlantic Group Committee

For the British Empire Exhibition, 1924

The British Empire Exhibition 1924

A Guide to the West Indian & Atlantic Pavilion

Sir Thomas Warner: Pioneer of the West Indies

A Chronicle of his family by Aucher Warner

The Voyage of the Priscilla

An eyewitness account of the voyage and shipwreck of the schooner Priscilla.

Report of the trial of fourteen negroes at Montego Bay

Jan. 28th, 1824 and the two following days, on a charge of rebellious conspiracy.

Historical memorandum relating to forts in New Providence (Bahamas)

By Harcourt Malcolm, 1913

Correspondence between the Colonial Secretary and Tobago

relating to certain charges laid by H.M.’s late Attorney General. 1820

The French Invasions of St. Kitts-Nevis

by Sir Thomas Reginald St. Johnston,1931

A soldier’s recollections of the West Indies and America

by Thomas Staunton St. Clair, 1834

The Cuban and Porto Rican Campaigns

of the Spanish-American War. By Richard Harding Davis, 1899

A review of arguments advanced against parliamentary interference


Copies of the presentment of the Grand Jury of the island of Dominica

His Majesty’s Stationary Office, 1817

Impolicy and Injustice of Emancipating the Negro Slaves

Remarks on the condition of the slaves in the island of Jamaica

by William Sells, 1823

The correspondence between John Gladstone M.P. and James Cropper

re slavery in the British West Indies and the USA, with an appendix 1824

The Victoria League report

26th Annual Report 1927-28

Unveiling of the memorial to Archbishop Nuttall … 9 Dec 1919

by the Mico Training College Jamaica, 1920

British Honduras Chamber of Commerce Rules

adopted 15th February 1918