

Historical Sketches of Trinidad & Tobago

Collected by K.S. Wise, 1934-1938

Colonial Commerce

An inquiry of into the principles upon which discriminating duties should be levied upon sugar by Alexander Macdonnell

British Empire Exhibition 1925

Closing Ceremony

British Empire Exhibition 1925

Opening Ceremony

British Empire Exhibition 1924

Closing Ceremony

Colonial and Indian Exhibition 1886 – Handbook

West Indies and British Honduras

Imperial Conference 1926 Summary of Proceedings

Pine-Apple Growing

by A.E. Collens, F.H.S. Warneford and F.G. Harcourt, 1924

Supplement to Cust’s West Indian Estates

by R.J. Cust, 1874. With case reports decided after 1864

A Treatise on the West Indian Encumbered Estates Acts

by R.J. Cust, 1865. Appendices Containing the Acts and Case Reports

Memorandum regarding the Rum Surtax

for information of delegates to the Congress of Chambers of Commerce of the Empire, 1900

Some Protected British Industries

by Professor Carmody, circa 1898-1901

The Present Position of our West Indian Colonies

by Sir Nevile Lubbock, Chairman of the West India Committee, 1900

Report of a Prosecution at Tredegar

Under the sale of Food and Drugs Act for selling Dyed sugar as “Demerara”, 1901

Historic objectives, rules and lists of Membership

of the West India Committee

Report on the British West Indies and British Guiana Court at the Empire Exhibition

Scotland, 1938

Report of the West Indian & Atlantic Group Committee

For the British Empire Exhibition, 1924

The British Empire Exhibition 1924

A Guide to the West Indian & Atlantic Pavilion