

Additional colonial laws respecting slaves, 1816-17

His Majesty’s Stationary Office, 1817

Remarks on the insurrection in Barbados

and the bill for the registration of slaves, 1816

A journal of the English army in the West-Indies until June 24th 1655

by I.S., an eyewitness, 1655

Catalogue of the portraits in the Jamaica History Gallery of the Institute of Jamaica

by Frank Cundall, The Institute of Jamaica, 1914

A narrative of the insurrection in the island of Grenada in 1795

by John Hay with an Introduction by a ‘military man’, 1823

The Radical Cause of the present distresses of the West-India Planters pointed out

and the inefficiency of the proposed measures for relieving them 1807

Letters re silver and copper coins in Barbados

by G.W. Jordan, 1816

A few suggestions on the slave trade

by an anonymous author, 1814

Annual inspection of the territorial force

and the commemoration at Belize of the fourth anniversary of the declaration of war 1918

The Black man’s part in the Great War

by Harry H. Johnson, 1917

Notes on the West Indies

Letters written by Dr. George Pinckard, describing his service as an Army Doctor serving in the West Indies, 1806

Jamaica and the Great War

by Herbert G. deLisser, 1917

Comparative list of the military staff employed in the West Indies

in 1792, 1800 and 1818

Notes by General Robert Haynes

of New Castle and Clifton Hall Plantations, Barbados and other documents of family interest

Barbados and Mr John Pope Hennessey

by W.P.B.S. 1876

Mr Bentley’s New list of works

January 1839

The speech of Mr. Serjeant Merewether in the House of Commons

against ‘An act to make temporary provision for the government of Jamaica’ Tuesday, 23rd April 1839

An appeal to the English Nation on behalf of Norway

by A. Andersen Feldborg 1814

Flora of Trinidad and Tobago

(Ranales and Rubiales) by R.O. Williams, 1928