The Thames River Police in the 19th Century

A painting of Wapping Police Station in the early Nineteenth Century.
(Reproduced with the kind permission of the Thames River Police Museum.)
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Thames Division rescuing a suicide.

Thames Officers coming off duty.

Thames Police boarding a suspicious barge.

Thames Police in a rowing galley getting a tow against the tide from a steam powered vessel.

The cutter Spray used as the police station at Erith.

The main cabin of the Spray.

The Royalist, used as a police station at Greenwich.

The men’s quarters on the Royalist.

A peep into the forecastle of the Royalist.

Waterloo Police Pier.

The Receiving Room at Waterloo Police Pier.

Wapping Police Station.

Telegraphing to headquarters.

A steam launch and boats moored at Waterloo.

Chasing river thieves.

The Reserve Room at Waterloo.

The superintendent’s galley.

A Coal Hulk for coaling steam launches at Wapping.

Thames Police arresting a stowaway.

Launching a rowing galley.
(Reproduced with the kind permission of the Metropolitan Police Heritage Centre.)
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The Royalist.
(Reproduced with the kind permission of the Metropolitan Police Heritage Centre.)
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A steam-powered police launch, the Watch.
(Reproduced with the kind permission of the Metropolitan Police Heritage Centre.)
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