
The West India Committee is formed for the first time to protect and promote trade in the British West Indies. The West India Committee became an influential voice in the City of London and government, representing the interests of the sugar merchants of London and plantation owners in the Caribbean, including defending and promoting the institution of slavery. Any individual or organisation seeking to learn more about WIC's history can view our online resources or request a visit to the archive and library.
WIC becomes a permanant body
The Committee, which previously had banded together as needed, resolved to become a permanent body in a meeting in the London Tavern in Bishopgate Street.

Breadfruit voyage
Commissioned Captain Bligh to introduce the breadfruit and mango to the West Indies to overcome food shortages.

The Thames River Police
Working with Patrick Colquhoun and John Harriott, WIC founded the Thames River Police, the forerunners of the London Metropolitan Police. They still exist as the Met's Marine Policing Unit and are recognised as the oldest continuously serving Police force in the World.

West India Docks
WIC and its members are instrumental in the building of the West India Docks in southeast London, at the time the biggest brick building in the world.

Slavery Abolition and Emancipation
For a long time, the West India Committee was a significant and influential organisation in the promotion of slavery and the slave trade, representing the interests of the sugar merchants of London and plantation owners in the Caribbean. The Committee also campaigned for compensation for slave owners at the time of abolition. Any individuals or organisations that would like to learn more about WIC's history can view our online resources or request a visit to the library and archive. When this pro-slavery era of the organisation ended, the West India Committee coordinated fundraising to end slave ownership and slave labour, driven by their aim to avoid being undercut by commercial competitors that continued to use slave labour. After emancipation in the British West Indies, the Committee reached out to slaves from Portuguese and Spanish colonies in the Caribbean and assisted them in being granted asylum in declared safe havens.
Continental Security Force
WIC proposed to the British Parliament, a continental security force for Africa to protect against slave-trading and deter would-be slave traders.
Royal Charter
The West India Committee was granted a Royal Charter of Incorporation by King Edward VII.

The West Indian Contingent Committee
The West India Committee became the secretariat of the West Indian Contingent Committee, administering to the needs of the 16,000 strong British West India Regiment during the First World War.

War Services Appeal
WIC launched a War Services Appeal for West Indies servicemen in World War Two.

University of West Indies Chapel
WIC supported the building of University of West Indies Chapel.

WIC Library Donation
The majority of the library of WIC was transferred to the University of West Indies.

WIC orchestrates Prince Harry's Diamond Jubilee Tour of the Caribbean
WIC orchestrated Prince Harry's Diamond Jubilee Tour of the Caribbean.

WIC published in The House - Parliament's Magazine
WIC partners with The House, Parliament's Magazine, to produce the first 'Guide to The Overseas Territories of the Caribbean' supplement.
2014 - 2016

The Caribbean's Great War project
The Caribbean’s Great War was a Heritage Lottery funded project that highlighted the involvement of the Caribbean and her people in WW1. A temporary exhibition was put on at the Museum of London Docklands which featured a Roll of Honour to the British West Indies Regiment. The exhibition was housed in the London, Sugar and Slavery gallery at the Museum of London Docklands and ran for one year due to popular demand. The launch event commemorated those who had served in the British West Indies Regiment. Link to website
2015 - 2017

The West India Committee's Metropolitan Police Bursary Scheme
Between the Autumn of 2015 and the Spring of 2017 WIC ran a Bursary Scheme in collaboration with the Metropolitan Police and the Garfield Weston Foundation, with the lead administrator of the programme being Charlie Wheeler, Senior Envoy at WIC. We are pleased to announce that of the six participants in the Bursary Scheme, five individuals went on to join the Metropolitan Police Service.

WIC facilitates Montserrat's Associate Membership of UNESCO
Thanks to WIC's efforts throughout the year, Montserrat joined UNESCO as an Associate Member on 3 November 2015. WIC secured an expedited admission, making Montserrat the 200th member of UNESCO.

WIC assists the National Museum of Montserrat
In response to an appeal for assistance from the National Museum of Montserrat, WIC secured funding from the Lindbury Trust to support a six month residential consultancy to develop its archiving and curating strategies through which a number of local youths were trained.

WIC's archive and library inscribed as a UNESCO Memory of the World collection
In 2016, WIC's archive and library was inscribed as a UNESCO Memory of the World collection. Link to UNESCO press release

WIC's official partnership with UNESCO begins
In 2016, WIC's official partnership (consultative status) with UNESCO was confirmed. As a consulting NGO to UNESCO, WIC specialises in advising on Small Island Developing States (SIDS) and heritage.
WIC supports the Government of Anguilla London Office
In February 2016, Mrs Blondel Cluff (Chief Executive of the West India Committee) became the Government of Anguilla's Representative to the UK and EU. Subsequently, the West India Committee supported Mrs Cluff in her role and the Government of Anguilla London Office was located within the charity's office premises. Many of WIC's staff were seconded to the Government of Anguilla London Office to assist with this important work, which included preparation for Brexit and the recovery from the worst hurricane on record, Hurricane Irma.
2016 - 2017

West Indians: Forefathers of the Metropolitan Police
In October 2016, WIC began a Heritage Lottery funded project on the history of the Thames River Police. The exhibition opened on 13 October 2017 before closing on 14 January 2018. The exhibition held at the Museum of London, Docklands, was opened by Dr Boyan Radoykov, head of the UNESCO Memory of the World programme. Link to website. Link to UNESCO press release.

WIC publishes a white paper on Anguilla and 'Brexit'
The White Paper on Anguilla and Brexit
Please click on the link above to view, download and print 'Anguilla & Brexit: Britain's forgotten EU border.' This white paper was produced by The West India Committee in partnership with the Government of Anguilla.

WIC publishes a white paper on Anguilla and Hurricane Irma
White Paper - Anguilla & Hurricane Irma
Please click on the link above to view, download and print 'Anguilla & Hurricane Irma: Recovery, Resilience and Prosperity.' This white paper was produced by The West India Committee in partnership with the Government of Anguilla in the aftermath of the destruction of the hurricanes in 2017.

WIC raises almost £300,000 for Anguilla's recovery from Hurricane Irma
WIC was designated as one of the official charities to receive public donations following the destruction of Hurricane Irma on Anguilla in September 2017. From numerous sources, WIC was able to raise EC$1,075,140, which is close to £300,000. These funds are reserved specifically for Anguilla's recovery and rebuilding effort. Thank you to all those who donated.

WIC's Chief Executive presents at International Development Select Committee
In October 2017, WIC's Chief Executive, Mrs Blondel Cluff, presented at the International Development Select Committee on the UK's response to Hurricane Irma, on behalf of the Government of Anguilla. Link to footage

WIC's work is cited at the United Nations
In November 2017, Mrs Blondel Cluff and Mr Charlie Wheeler joined the Government of Anguilla delegation at a CARICOM-UN High Level Pledging Conference at the United Nations (UN) Heaquarters in New York, organised in the aftermath of the hurricanes of 2017. WIC's white paper on Hurricane Irma was accepted and cited by the UN. Link to website

WIC's Chief Executive awarded a CBE
In 2018, Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II awarded Mrs Blondel Cluff a CBE for services to Numismatic Design and the Caribbean community in the UK and Abroad.

WIC staff present evidence at Foreign Affairs Select Committee
In January 2018, on behalf of the Government of Anguilla, WIC staff took part in the Foreign Affairs Select Committee on the subject of the UK's response to the hurricanes of 2017 in its Overseas Territories. Mrs Blondel Cluff CBE and Mr Charlie Wheeler presented evidence in their capacity as WIC and the Government of Anguilla London Office. WIC trainees were in attendance and gained invaluable experience of the parliamentary process. Link to footage

WIC’s Chief Executive travels to Caribbean to assess hurricane recovery
In February 2018, Mrs Blondel Cluff CBE traveled to Antigua to advise on various heritage matters, and to Anguilla, to assess the progress of the Hurricane Irma recovery. This included multiple meetings with the Governor-General of Antigua and Barbuda and the Premier of Anguilla.

WIC publishes two new white papers on Hurricane Irma and Brexit
In February and March 2018, WIC published two new white papers on Hurricane Irma and Brexit respectively. Anguilla and Hurricane Irma - Opportunities Arising. Anguilla and Brexit - The Solution.

WIC presents at the International Development Committee in UK Parliament
WIC was invited to prepare information for and present at the UK Parliament's International Development Committee on the question, 'What should be the definition of Official Development Assistance?'. Mrs Blondel Cluff CBE gave evidence on this matter, providing information on Anguilla's situation in relation to this topic, as well as updating on their recovery from Hurricane Irma. Link to evidence

Work begins on building Anguilla's only maternity wing
In April 2018, work began to build Anguilla's only maternity wing, at the Princess Alexandra Hospital, which was heavily damaged by Hurricane Irma. This project was funded by generous donations to WIC's hurricane recovery fund.

WIC visits 10 Downing Street for meetings
In May 2018, WIC visited 10 Downing Street for meetings on various topics, including the ongoing Windrush Scandal and the Race Disparity Audit report published in October 2017.

WIC attends 10 Downing Street reception for Windrush Day
In June 2018, Mrs Blondel Cluff CBE and Mr Charlie Wheeler attended 10 Downing Street for a 'Windrush Day' reception, hosted by Prime Minister Theresa May. This new annual celebration was created in response to the the growing Windrush Scandal.

WIC hosts the Governors-General of Antigua and Barbuda, Grenada, and Saint Kitts and Nevis
In June 2018, WIC hosted the Governors-General of Antigua and Barbuda, Grenada, and Saint Kitts and Nevis, which included a tour of relevant material in WIC's archive and library.

WIC becomes secretariat of Anguilla's APPG
In July 2018, as the appointed secretariat, WIC facilitated the inaugural meeting of Anguilla's newly formed All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) in the Houses of Parliament, chaired by Mike Gapes MP.

WIC submits evidence to the Foreign Affairs Committee
In July 2018, the Foreign Affairs Committee launched an inquiry into the 'Future of the UK Overseas Territories.' WIC provided written evidence, as well providing briefing papers to the Premier of Anguilla for his evidence session in December 2018. The Foreign Affairs Committee went on to publish a concluding report, with WIC's work being cited numerous times. Link to WIC's evidence. Link to evidence session footage. Link to Foreign Affairs Committee report.

WIC's Chief Executive is interviewed on Channel 4 News
In November 2018, WIC's Chief Executive, Mrs Blondel Cluff CBE, was invited to be interviewed on Channel 4 News regarding the impact of Brexit on Anguilla. Link to footage

WIC travels to Antigua to host WW1 lectures and meetings
In November 2018, a WIC delegation consisting of Mrs Blondel Cluff CBE and Mr Charlie Wheeler, traveled to Antigua to host a series of WW1 lectures and meetings, at the request of the Governor-General. Full details of the trip can be found in the Twitter tweets below: War Veteran's Association. Exhibition at Government House. Lectures at Government House. Antigua and Barbuda Defence Force 1. Antigua and Barbuda Defence Force 2. Reception at Government House 1. Reception at Government House 2. National Museum.

WIC travels to Anguilla for meetings
In November 2018, WIC traveled to Anguilla for important meetings, with particular focus on Brexit and Hurricane Irma recovery. WIC also took the Tottenham Hotspur Foundation with them on a scoping visit for a proposed education and training project. Full details through these links: Deputy-Governor meeting. Ministers meeting 1. Ministers meeting 2. Town hall meeting. Department of Youth & Culture meeting. Secondary school visit. Primary school visit. School visits.

WIC opens Anguilla's only maternity wing
During the November 2018 visit to Anguilla, WIC opened The Cluff Maternity Wing at the Princess Alexandra Hospital. This project was funded by generous donations to the WIC hurricane recovery fund. Full details through the following links: Opening ceremony 1. Opening ceremony 2. Before and after photos.

WIC facilitates Professor Vernon Bogdanor's visit to Anguilla
In December 2018, WIC facilitated Professor Vernon Bogdanor's visit to Anguilla, to provide advise on their constitutional reform work. Professor Bogdanor is a world leading constitutional expert.

WIC meets with High Commission of Jamaica to discuss future collaboration
In March 2019, WIC met with HE Seth George Ramocan at the Jamaican High Commission to discuss the charity's previous work with Jamaica and future collaboration. Link to visit 1. Link to visit 2.

Tottenham Hotspur Foundation programme in Anguilla begins
In March 2019, the Tottenham Hotspur Foundation visited Anguilla for the first of three trips to complete a year-long education and training programme. The programme was organised and facilitated by WIC, and funded by the Premier League. Full details through the following links: Project details. Training photos 1. Training photos 2.

WIC invited to join the Windrush Stakeholder Advisory Group
WIC continues to advise on the Windrush debacle and joins the Windrush Stakeholder Advisory Group. Link

WIC presents at the Canal Museum on its Thames River Police project
WIC's Research & Training Manager, Mr David Wells, presents the charity's Thames River Police project at the Canal Museum. Link

WIC collects its UNESCO Memory of the World certificate of inscription
After a busy three years since official inscription, WIC finally collects its UNESCO Memory of the World certificate during a meeting with Dr Boyan Radoykov, Head of the programme. Link

WIC publishes and distributes 'Anguilla: Get ready for Brexit' paper
In October 2019, in preparation for a potential 'no deal' Brexit, WIC published its 'Anguilla: Get ready for Brexit' paper. The paper was distributed throughout Anguilla and to the wider public. Link to paper

WIC's Chief Executive lays a wreath on Remembrance Sunday on behalf of Anguilla
On Remembrance Sunday 2019, WIC's Chief Executive, Mrs Blondel Cluff CBE, laid a wreath on behalf of Anguilla. This was the first time that the British Overseas Territories and Crown Dependencies have done so on their own behalf. Link to footage.

107 children born in one year at The Cluff Maternity Wing
In November 2019, WIC celebrated the one year anniversary of The Cluff Maternity Wing (Anguilla's only maternity wing that WIC's hurricane recovery fund had built) with the knowledge that 107 children had been born there. Link

The West Indian Soldier Heritage Project
The West India Committee carried out The West Indian Soldier, a two-year Heritage Project funded by the National Lottery Heritage Fund. In addition to producing many educational outcomes including a short film, a book, e-lectures and other online material, the Committee co-curated a well-received exhibition with the National Army Museum, on display in Chelsea between May and October 2021.